Daisy has turned 4 months old and has now been home from the hospital for 2 month.... woohoo! Christina took her in for her 4 month check up (and shots....sshhhh don't tell the kids) a couple of days ago. She is progressing nicely in her growth. At her 2 month check she was in the 20th percentile for weigh and 50% for height. She is now in the 80th percentile for height and weight.... what a difference a couple of months make!! Her head size is on the small end of things.... I am glad to know she does not seem to have my giant bulbous head :-).
We have passed 50% wean on the Keppra (seizure medication) and we received the OK from her neurologist to continue weaning down to ZERO. It will take us 5 more weeks from today. She has not had any issues nor seizures during the wean period (or any other period for that matter). As we have weaned her down on this medication we have found a very happy baby that cannot, at times, put her gummy smile away. She loves to coo, laugh, giggle, and make baby talk.
We have been meeting with the Alta regional center in our home to assist us in tracking Daisy's development. The initial visit brought four folks on our care team into our home (Case manager, Nurse, Special Ed teacher x2). We met with the team for 2.5 hours and developed a great plan to help assess and track Daisy's development over time. I should back up and explain what the Regional center is.... The regional center is a service of the California Department of Development Services. They exist to help children in California who have or have the potential (this is us) for development issues. They provide a pretty broad spectrum of specialists, therapists, and educators to track Daisy to her developmental goals and provide assistance should we find development items which are trending behind. We have also had our first follow up/on going appointment with the nurse and occupational therapist and Daisy's development is tracking quite well. We have a couple of small areas where she is trending a little behind. This is remarkable as she lost an entire month of opportunity to develop while in the hospital. Our support team from the regional center has been great and we are looking forward to our second on going appointment this week.
We have weaned off of all heart medications with no issues. Daisy was fitted with a halter monitor for 24 hours several days after we have been off the heart meds to ensure that there is nothing unusual with the heart. We are awaiting to hear the results of the monitor. We do not anticipate any issues.
We have began to slow venture out to play dates, the park, and even an occasional bite to eat. Daisy has become very aware of her surrounds and seems to be very curious of everything just like her big brother. In addition to her coo's, giggles, laughs, and baby talk she loves to try and consume both hands at the same time, roll over on her side, and "boot scoot" across her play mats. I have a feeling that we will have a little girl motoring about the house very soon.
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