Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MRI results and our big move

Earlier today we received Daisy's MRI results.  The results are not perfect but are very good considering she was down 30 minutes before she was brought back in the ER.  We are seeing 5-6 small areas of "abnormality" at various places within her brain.  The areas of abnormality look similar to brain tissue damaged in a stroke.  We are also looking closer at one particular item on the MRI which was called a clot by one radiologist and not a clot by a second radiologist.  They did an ultrasound today to look further at this.  So what does this all mean...well no one knows.  There is a chance that as she develops the damaged areas will simply remap their functions to other areas of the brain.  There is also a chance that she could have some developmental issues as she grows.  We will simply need to set our developmental goals and track her to them.  It is a wait and see situation.  Right now she does not seem to have any deficiencies... She is our same Daisy grunts and all :-).  I talked with our PICU nurses and they mentioned that this was one of the cleanest MRI's they had seen in a patient who was down as long as she had been.  These ladies unfortunately see this stuff all the time.

This evening we were also moved from the PICU to the NICU.  This means we have improved enough to decrease our level of care just a little.  Miss Daisy and I packed our bags and have now settled into the cozy NICU.

She was increased on feeds from 20 ml to 60ml then to 90ml and she is gulping down the breast milk as quickly as she can.  Atta girl.


  1. You are a very brave girl!! You are gonna be just fine!! Little Daisy you have so much family support and friend support that love you dearly !! Not to mention you have Amazing parents !! I love all 4 of you guys and cant wait to see you start growing !!

  2. And thank you Jay for taking the time to write this and tell her story !! I love you big brother !!

  3. Atta girl Daisy you keep kicking butt!! Glad you got settled in the NICU!
    and you keep drinking your milk like a big girl! Nana loves you and is so happy you are doing so well!! Many air hugs and big kisses!!

  4. We really miss you guys. I have just been sitting here praying & thanking God for taking care of your precious little Daisy. We love you & are thinking about your family. God is Good! He really is "driving" Miss Daisy.
    Please give Daisy and Jeremiah a kiss & let them know we love them.
